A lot of my work is still kept under NDA unfortunately! If you're an employer who's interested in seeing more examples of my work, please contact me at nataliechoi0706@gmail.com


This is Lily, a protagonist in my thesis film Unconditional. The film primarily consists of dialogue between her and the other main character, so the mouth is rigged with a movable tongue and plenty of deformers. I wanted this character to be flexible and easy to pose while maintaining her design. The character is also designed with coloured lines, so the sleeves act as cutter and mask to achieve that, while still allowing the animator to move and adjust them.


This is the Ghost Wife, protagonist of my third-year group film, Till Death Brings Us Together. She was designed by Inaya Sher, and I drew and rigged her in Toon Boom Harmony 20. She is meant to be simple to pose since her function lies mainly in cleaning up rough hand-drawn animations. Numerous deformers allow for more fine control of her limbs and especially her tail, which is meant to be structured but weightless in its animation, and often in constant motion. There is no dialogue in the film, so her mouth relies heavily on drawing substitutions to make expressions clear. 


Husband design by Phantomation Studio

The Husband rig is made with similar goals to the Ghost Wife. He is a main focus in the story but has less dynamic animation than her. The coat is divided into the main part of the body and a lower part to accommodate the design when the Husband sits down, in which the lower part of the coat overlaps the rest of the body. This allows it to be brought forward in z-depth. The film is still in production, so no finished animation exists of him yet.